Faculty & Research

ZJU-SOM’s academic impact derives from the quality and focus of faculty research and its influence on current and future business practices. ZJU-SOM stands out for the excellence of its innovative teaching methods and research, which are driven and supported by a thriving regional economy charged with entrepreneurial vigor. While developing and supporting its longstanding areas of research strength, ZJU-SOM is spearheading research in emerging areas, such as big data, online finance, blockchain, smart healthcare, decision neuroscience, and neuromarketing. Meanwhile, our faculty team fosters dynamic approaches to research and learning by bringing their cutting-edge know-how into the classroom.

·         Learn about our research centers and institutes, including those jointly developed with partners from both academia and industry.

·         ZJU-SOM’s faculty is organized departmentally according to management sub-disciplines. Find the latest vacancies in Faculty Openings.

·         Discover our faculty’s latest research in Ideas Made Loud

Research Centers & Institutes
Various research centers and institutes have been established to encourage focused-research and to bridge gap between academia and industry. They provide an inclusive environment for faculty, students, corporate partners, and policy makers to share and communicate views on business challenges.