Zhejiang-Leeds Joint PhD Seminar | B-Plus Forum (E03)

On November 10th, 2022, at 18:00 Beijing time (GMT+8), four speakers will share their research and findings on such topics as Career Decision-making factors among academics in China, the importance of Employees receiving gratitude and how that affects their Performance, relation between disembeddedness and the perception of Justice, and Cross-Border Acquisitions and the Effect of Deal Rumour based on Chinese-listed firms example. We welcome you to attend the event via the ZOOM platform!

Introduction of Speakers

Professor Lynda J. Song

Leeds University Business School


Professor Song has joined Leeds University Business School as a Professor of Management. Lynda has also been appointed Head of the Management Division and takes on this role in November 2019. She previously led the Department of Organisation and Human Resources at Renmin Business School, China.
Lynda’s research interests align closely with the Business School’s Workplace Behaviour Research Centre (WBRC). Her areas of expertise include creativity, social exchange theory, emotional intelligence, leadership, organizational culture, and human resource management.

Sabrina Lingxiao Xu

Ph.D. candidate at Leeds University Business School


Sabrina is a Ph.D. student at Leeds University Business School. Her research interests are leadership, human resource management, workplace well-being, and innovation.

ZHU Shan 

Ph.D. candidate at the School of Management, Zhejiang University


ZHU Shan is a Ph.D. student at the School of Management, Zhejiang University; and a visiting Ph.D. student at Alliance Manchester Business School, University of Manchester. She has been working in multinational companies’ global innovation and responsible behavior and has published articles in the Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Management and Organization Review. Her recent research focuses on the impact of de-globalization on firms’ global innovation strategies.

LI Lulu 

Ph.D. candidate at the School of Management, Zhejiang University


LI Lulu is a Ph.D. student in marketing at the School of Management, Zhejiang University. Her research interests focus on consumer behavior and consumer psychology. Her current research is related to consumers perceived justice.