To be a world leading management school rooted in China:ZJU-SOM International Advisory Board Annual Meeting successfully held
ZJU-SOM 8th International Advisory Board (IAB) Meeting was successfully held during Oct. 19th to 29th. This year is the first year of The 14th Five-Year Plan (2021-2025) for National Economic and Social Development, and is also the important juncture unleashing strategic opportunities for ZJU-SOM to maintain its leading role among business schools across the country and to advance its reputation as a world-class business school with “higher quality, more excellence, more respects, and higher aspirations”. Therefore, the IAB Meeting this year concentrated the discussion on building a world leading management school rooted in China.

Offline Group Meeting Members

Three new IAB members, Mr. SONG Zhiping, Chairman of China Association for Public Companies, and Chairman of China Enterprise Reform and Development Society, Mr. YU Yingtao, President & CEO of New H3C Group, and Mr. HU Baifan, Chairman of the Board, Zhejiang NHU Co., Ltd., joined in this year. Dr. FU Qiang, Vice Secretary of the CPC Zhejiang University, presented the appointment letters to the three new IAB members. Dr. FU stressed that “ZJU-SOM has made excellent achievements in discipline construction, talent cultivation, academic research, social responsibility and internationalization, etc., which were embodied the support of ZJU-SOM IAB members. This year is the important time for Zhejiang University to advance itself to be one of the world first-class universities, and is also an essential opportunity for ZJU-SOM to become a world-class business school. I hope ZJU-SOM IAB members could share the wisdom and give valuable advice to support the further development of Zhejiang University as well as ZJU-SOM.”

Right:Dr. FU Qiang,Left1: Mr. SONG Zhiping, Left2: Mr. YU Yingtao, Left3: Mr. HU Baifan 

Due to the pandemic, the meeting was adopted as a hybrid mode, i.e. online and offline, and the IAB members were divided into three groups to discuss on different topics, namely research & internationalization, educational excellence & academic programs, and corporate connections & professional program, and a final plenary session was held to summarize the group meetings.

IAB Members in Online Group Meetings

ZJU-SOM Associate Deans, Prof. ZHOU Weihua, Prof. WANG Lei, and Prof. XIE Xiaoyun, reported the past development, the facing challenges, and the future development plans in terms of the above three topics respectively during group meetings. Prof. WEI Jiang, Dean of ZJU-SOM, introduced the achievements of ZJU-SOM and the implementation of the advice that IAB members gave last year. He also stressed the work of concentration in the next five year in his report.

Prof. WEI Jiang, Dean of ZJU-SOM

Group meeting leaders Prof. G. ‘Anand’ Anandalingam, Prof. Danica Purg and Mr. WANG Jianzhou reported their group discussions in response to the presentations of ZJU-SOM Associate Deans. Meanwhile, they extended their congratulations to the excellent progress ZJU-SOM has made and looked forward to the further development ZJU-SOM is going to make.

Online Plenary Session

Prof. YANG Wei, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Former President of Zhejiang University, gave his suggestion from the perspectives of characteristics, development speed, and education mode of ZJU-SOM. 

Prof. YANG Wei, Member of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Former President of Zhejiang University

Mr. ZHANG Xinsheng, Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Education of China, attended the plenary session online and concluded that “I’m really happy and excited to know about the achievements of ZJU-SOM in the presentation of Dean WEI. And I also want to extend my thanks to IAB members sharing your insights and pragmatic suggestions to ZJU-SOM. As a member of the IAB, I really feel encouraged. The members of IAB mentioned that ZJU-SOM should maintain the schools characteristics, since the school has many advantages and strengths. I hope ZJU-SOM can continue to take a leading role and the objectives of the school will be accomplished.”

Mr. ZHANG Xinsheng, Former Vice Minister of Ministry of Education of China

Established in 2014, ZJU-SOM International Advisory Board (IAB) comprises world renowned scholars, top policy researchers, higher education leaders and eminent business leaders from home and abroad. The Board meets annually to share views on business education, to provide advice on strategic developments of ZJU-SOM, to help strengthen relations between ZJU-SOM and world-class institutions, and to assist ZJU-SOM in promoting its reputation locally and globally.