The ZJU-SOM’s 3rd IAB Meeting Held in Hangzhou

May 10th , 2016, the School’s 3rd meeting of International Advisory Board was held at Zijingang Campus in Hangzhou. The theme of this year’s meeting was “Global Positioning and Global Exposure”, seeking an answer to how the school enhance its position and increase exposure globally. Ten IAB members attended the meeting, together with the School’s leadership team.

At the beginning of the meeting, Vice President of Zhejiang University LUO Weidong extended his warm welcome to all the attendants. He commented on the progress of the school as “the fastest among all the schools”. He then presented a letter of appointment to the new member of IAB, Ms. Danica Purg, President of CEEMAN and the IEDC-Bled School of Management. Her presence as an IAB member will help in connecting SOM to universities and institutions in Central and Eastern Europe.

Following the meeting agenda, Dean WU Xiaobo gave the School’s report, announcing the structural change in departments. He emphasized that the school had faced with opportunities and challenges under One Belt and One Road strategy and the 13th Five-year plan. In the following session IAB members had a heated discussion based on the theme and the School’s report. Former Dean of the school and Former Vice Chairman of the State Commission for Restructuring the Economic Systems, Mr. GAO Shangquan, made a clear emphasis on the cultivation of innovative talents. President and CEO of New World University, Patrick MOLLE, and Dean of Tasmanian School of Business and Economics, Chris Earley, both pointed out the importance of entrepreneurship. Other members shared their own experience of leading business schools and made suggestions in international collaborations. 
