Maximizing Big Data Analytics: Insights from Inside-Out and Outside-In Approaches | Prof. LIU Yuan

Big data is a common term these days. Practically everyone has heard it at least once and even used it. But few look into the topic in depth to find out why some companies improve their performance by using big data analytics, while others fail to derive business value from big data analytics?

How can we use big data analytics effectively to maximize its value?

Our ZJUSOM professor LIU Yuan, PhD student ZHENG Yuzhu, and their team from the School of Management at Zhejiang University, recently published a paper entitled "Using Inside-Out and Outside-In Big Data Analysis on Electronic Platforms: Performance Impact and Heterogeneity Analysis". In it, they explain the micro-process of companies using big data analytics to create business value and lift the curtain between the use of big data analytics and the improvement of business performance.

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LIU Yuan  |  刘渊

School of Management, Zhejiang University


Academic Background:  Professor of Data Science and Management Engineering, School of Management, Zhejiang University. Director, Center of information technology and economic and social system, ZJU. Deputy leader of Zhejiang e-commerce expert group, Executive director of China branch of international information system association (CNAIS).

Research interests: IT & management innovation, E-commerce & e-government, Information system application performance

You can learn more about Prof. LIU Yuan’s academic background  here 

Current Status of Big Data Analysis: 91% of Companies Do Not Fully Utilize It

Big Data has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges that are driving global organizations to invest more in Big Data Analytics (BDA), especially in a turbulent business environment.

In the "information age", computers and internet technologies have transformed the way we live, work and study. Big data analytics should have led to a significant improvement in business performance, but the actual performance is not the same.

A study has shown that 91% of enterprises have not yet reached transformation maturity in the use of big data analysis, which means that they are not yet fully and effectively using big data analysis.

Image source: ©千库网

From an academic perspective, existing studies have examined the relationship between organizational performance and investment in big data analytics, big data analytics capabilities and the adoption of big data analytics technologies, but have neglected research on the use of big data analytics. At the same time, there is also a lack of sufficient empirical evidence on whether and how the use of big data analytics can create business value.

The question for enterprises is therefore how they can effectively use big data analytics and turn it into knowledge resources to achieve potential value Research on these questions is of great importance both in theory and in practice.

How Does Big Data Analysis Create Added Value for Enterprises? From the Transformation of Information to the Absorption of Knowledge

In practice, some companies have improved their performance through the use of big data analytics, but others have failed to derive business value from big data analytics. Why is this the case?

The Knowledge-Based View (KBV) theory states that an organization is a knowledge-processing system and the source of its core capabilities is the tacit knowledge within the organization.

As big data becomes an increasingly important strategic resource for enterprises, the big challenge for enterprises is whether they can use big data analytics to turn big data into knowledge and insights for decision making to create sustainable competitive advantage, which the knowledge-based view theory refers to as the ability of enterprises to acquire tacit knowledge.

Image source: ©千库网

In practice, the business benefits that companies derive from the use of big data analytics vary greatly. The main reason for this is that companies have different capabilities to use big data analytics effectively.

LIU Yuan’s team has found that the effective use of big data analytics is critical to creating business value for organizations. Based on the knowledge-based view, this article develops a micro-process for using big data analytics to create business value:

First, Big Data analytics transforms Big Data into valuable information through various analytical techniques. Then, organizations acquire knowledge assets by transforming information into knowledge through big data analytics. Finally, business value and competitive advantage is created by using the absorbed knowledge for planning, decision making, execution, management and learning.

Based on the theory of knowledge-based view, LIU Yuan’s team has elaborated the hierarchical structure of "data-information-knowledge-value", opening the "black box" between the utilization of big data and the value of enterprise performance, explaining the basic mechanism of using big data analytics to create enterprise value, and filling a major gap in the research on the utilization of big data analytics.

What Types of Functions Are There in Big Data Analysis? Inside-Out vs. Outside-In

With the rapid development of digital technology, big data analysis is now being used in more and more areas of management. E-commerce platforms in particular, with their sophisticated digital infrastructure and diverse data sources, can offer enterprises on the platform extensive functions through big data analysis. Sophisticated big data analytics solutions usually combine data from multiple sources and offer a variety of analytical functions to meet complex practical requirements.

When data analysts use different types of big data analytics capabilities in operations management, they need to consider the complex impact that the combination of these big data analytics capabilities can have on business performance.

Image source: ©千库网

To unravel these complex influences, we first it is necessary to understand the different types of functions that big data analytics can perform.

The article innovatively divides the functions of big data analytics into two categories, namely:


Inside-Out Big Data analytics (which focuses on objects within the organization’s boundaries, such as products, services, channels, processes, and transactions) focuses on discovering problems and opportunities within the organization and is designed to improve internal operational processes to respond to external demands and create business value;


Outside-in Big Data analytics (which focuses on external entities that interact with the organization, e.g. customers, competitors, partners and suppliers) focuses on stakeholders outside the organization’s boundaries and emphasizes gaining competitive advantage through timely awareness and adaptation to the external environment.

Research conceptual model

It is clear that these two different big data analytics functions have different impacts on business performance, which raises questions:

- Can big data analytics improve a company’s sales performance from the inside out or from the outside in?

- There are interactive effects between the different types of big data analytics capabilities. How do these interactive effects affect the sales performance of enterprises?

- Does the use of different categories of big data analytics have different effects on companies with different levels of sales performance?

How Does the Analysis of Big Data Affect Business Performance? Different Types of Functions Have Different Effects

Based on the theory of knowledge-based view, LIU Yuan’s team derived two impacts on performance when organizations use different types of big data analytics: individual impact and combined impact.

The individual impact refers to the impact of using a single big data analytics function on organizational performance.

The combined impact refers to the impact on business performance when both inside-out and outside-in big data analytics are used simultaneously. It should be emphasized that this is caused by the interaction between the two types of big data analytics and not by a simple addition of the value generated by the use of big data analytics alone.

Image: Quantile regression results

The research results show that on e-commerce platforms, the use of inside-out and outside-in big data analytics has a positive independent and joint impact on the sales performance of enterprises, but the degree of impact on different enterprises varies. The use of inside-out big data analytics has a greater impact on enterprises with a lower level of performance, while the use of outside-in big data analytics has a greater impact on enterprises with a higher level of performance.

It should be noted that the article uses the transaction index instead of the profit variables to measure the performance of enterprises on e-commerce platforms. Although this index can reflect the comprehensive level of sales in a more detailed and accurate way, it cannot reflect the profitability of enterprises.

How Can Big Data Analyzes Be Used Effectively? Based on the Study, the Researchers Have Formulated Four Recommendations

Based on empirical studies, LIU Yuan’s team has made four suggestions for enterprises on the use of big data analysis:


Increase the depth and breadth of use of big data analytics

Because the use of inside-out and outside-in big data analytics capabilities has positive independent and combined effects on sales performance, organizations should increase the depth and breadth of big data analytics usage to realize the potential value of big data.


Companies at different performance levels focus on different types of functions

Although the use of internal and external big data analytics has an independent positive impact on the organization, the extent of the impact may vary for organizations at different performance levels. Therefore, it is suggested that organizations with a high-performance level should focus more on outside-in big data analytics capabilities, while organizations with a low performance level should focus more on benefiting from the use of inside-out big data analytics capabilities.


Integrate the knowledge from different types of big data analytics functions

It is recommended that organizations create great value by integrating the knowledge gained from different types of big data analytics capabilities to generate synergies.


Support and promotion of underperforming companies

Companies with a higher level of performance can achieve greater synergy potential through the combined use of inside-out and outside-in big data analyzes. This increases the revenue gap between companies and thus exacerbates polarization. In order to maintain the diversity and sustainable development of the e-commerce platform ecosystem, e-commerce platforms should support and encourage underperforming companies in their digital development, e.g. through courses or training on the effective use of big data analytics.


Big data has brought unprecedented opportunities and challenges, prompting global firms to grow big data analytics (BDA) investments, especially in a turbulent business environment. However, there is insufficient empirical evidence in scholarly research on whether and how using BDA functions of various types creates business value. The current study divides BDA into inside-out and outside-in types and explores whether and how firms can create value by using functions of these two types of BDA. Then, the knowledge-based view (KBV) is applied as a theoretical foundation to investigate the independent and combined impacts of inside-out and outside-in BDA usage on firms’ sales performance. Furthermore, we build a quantile regression model to analyze the heterogeneity of independent and combined impacts among firms with different performance levels. The empirical study is based on a unique dataset collected on one of the largest electronic platforms (e-platforms) in China from 785 firms in 35 weeks. The results of the benchmark model based on two-way fixed effects show that both inside-out and outside-in BDA usage, as well as their interactions, are positively related to the sales performance of firms on e-platforms. The heterogeneity analysis indicates that inside-out (outside-in) BDA functions have a greater degree of impact on firms with lower (higher) sales performance. Through the theoretical and empirical analysis of the complex performance impacts of BDA usage, this study enriches the understanding of value creation in using multiple BDA functions and extends the theoretical account of KBV in the field of BDA.

- We extend our appreciation to Professor LIU Yuan for his invaluable contribution to the study of big data analytics, providing critical insights that bridge the gap between theory and practice in the field of business performance.

- You can read the original article in Chinese  here