Professor Simon Collinson, a Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences, is a member of ZJUSOM!

At present, a new round of scientific and technological revolution and industrial transformation is accelerating, and China’s economic and social development is facing new strategic challenges. To seize the opportunities, it is necessary to coordinate education, science, technology, and talents, and build a world-class management discipline.

For many years, School of Management at Zhejiang University has adhered to the principle of open education and continuously attracting talents from all over the world. This will accelerate the growth of excellent world-class management disciplines and better meet the needs of economic and social development.

On May 29, Professor Simon Collinson, Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences and former Dean of Birmingham Business School (to learn more about the professors background and academic career, please click here), was officially appointed Tsingshan Chair Professor of Zhejiang University and Professor of Zhejiang University, School of Management (ZJUSOM). As an international leader in the field of international business and innovation management, Professor Simon Collinson’s appointment will provide a strong impetus to our ongoing efforts to build a world-class discipline of excellence.

Brand logo source: Publicity images

To welcome Professor Simon Collison, the School of Management held a warm welcome ceremony on the roof garden of Building C. The ceremony was hosted by Professor WU Xiaobo, Director of the School of Social Sciences of Zhejiang University, Executive Director of Tsingshan Institute of Business Studies of Zhejiang University and Professor of the School of Management of Zhejiang University.

Professor Simon Collinson delivering an induction speech

Since I entered Zhejiang University three weeks ago, I have felt a warm welcome from everyone at the School of Management of Zhejiang University. I am very grateful and touched! It is an honor to be part of it and to work together to create excellence.”

Professor Simon Collinson pointed out in his inaugural speech that Zhejiang University is among the best, most dynamic, and most ambitious first-class universities in the world. He has also expressed the vision that after joining Zhejiang University, he will be able to deepen his understanding of the development laws of Chinese innovation management. He hopes to work hand in hand with many outstanding experts and scholars from Zhejiang University and the School of Management to make great achievements together and make important contributions to the development of the business management discipline and talent education of the School of Management of Zhejiang University.

The Vice President of Zhejiang University HUANG Xianhai (right) pins the University’s badge on the blazer of Professor Simon Collinson (left).

At the ceremony, the Vice President of Zhejiang University HUANG Xianhai, pinned the University’s badge on Professor Simon Collinson’s blazer. Zhejiang University Talent Office Director XU Xuan, and the Executive Dean of the School of Management XIE Xiao-Yun, presented flowers to Professor Simon Collinson and his wife. ZHU Yuan, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Management, presented Professor Simon Collinson with a Zhejiang University School of Management sweater embroidered with his ZJUSOM logo and Professor Simon Collinson’s name.

XU Xuan, Director of Zhejiang University Talent Affairs Office (1st from left), and XIE Xiao-Yun, Executive Dean of Zhejiang University School of Management (1st from right), presented flowers to Professor Simon Collinson and his wife (in the middle)

Prof. ZHU Yuan, Senior Associate Dean of the School of Management (left), presented Professor Simon Collinson (right)

After the ceremony, representatives of the School of Management’s management and faculty took photos with Professor Simon Collinson and his wife and chatted in a warm, informal atmosphere.

Before joining the School of Management at Zhejiang University, Simon Collinson was a Professor of International Business and Innovation at the University of Birmingham in the UK. His research covers multinational corporations, international management, trade, and foreign direct investment, as well as productivity, innovation, competitiveness, and organizational complexity at the firm level. His research areas include global innovation strategies, R&D and knowledge management of multinational firms, comparative organizational research and international competitiveness of firms, innovation systems and emerging economies (especially China), high-tech entrepreneurship, small business networks, and regional development. He has extensive research experience in global innovation strategies, international management, and governance of multinational enterprises and is a leading international scholar in the study of the Chinese and Asian innovation systems.

Prof. Collinson has published articles in leading international academic journals in the field of management, such as the Journal of International Business Studies, Research Policy, Organization Studies, Regional Studies, and Business History. As the leader of several academic research projects, he and his team have achieved many influential academic results.

Professor Simon Collinson was awarded the title "Fellow of the British Academy of Social Sciences (FAcSS)", the highest award given by the United Kingdom to individuals for outstanding research and academic contributions in the field of social sciences. He has also been made a Fellow of the Royal Society of Arts and Crafts (FRSA), a Fellow of the British Association of Business Schools (CABS), and a Fellow of the British Academy of Management (FBAM).

Professor Simon Collinson has been teaching for more than 30 years and has supervised more than 200 students in their final-year projects (including MBAs, PhDs, etc.). He has been awarded the "Outstanding MBA Teacher Award" by Warwick Business School six times in a row.

Prof. Simon Collinson has also led and managed teaching programs on Strategy, Innovation, and International Business" at universities such as Cambridge Judge Business School, Warwick Business School, and Henley Business School. He has been an external consultant on innovation management and international business courses at the Science Policy Research Unit at Imperial College London, University of Edinburgh, and University of Sussex.

Based on his achievements in teaching methods, frameworks and tools, and classroom simulation exercises, Professor Simon Collinson has also compiled the textbook "International Business" (published by FT/Pearson IB) as lead author.

This textbook is one of the best-selling university management textbooks in MBA and postgraduate programs around the world (especially in Europe and Asia) and is now in its 9th edition. The textbook contains 100 case studies covering emerging topics and important issues in international business, such as sustainable development, corporate governance responsibility and inclusiveness, and the ethics of global supply chain management, which are of great concern to the world today. It provides students with a comprehensive knowledge system and in-depth case analysis.

- Welcome to Zhejiang University, Prof. Collinson! We are delighted to have you join our ZJUSOM faculty. Your expertise and vision will greatly contribute to achieving our common goals. 加油!

- You can read the original article in Chinese  here