Academic Innovation and Ideological Practice in Tourism

Time and Location: 9:30 AM (GMT+8), Room A523 (School of Management)

Language: Bilingual (Chinese and English)

Speaker’s Introduction: SUN Jiuxia is a professor and doctoral supervisor at the School of Tourism of Sun Yat sen University, a distinguished professor of Changjiang Scholars and a distinguished professor of Pearl River Scholars. Current director of the Tourism, Leisure and Social Development Research Center at Sun Yat sen University and executive director of the Key Laboratory of the Greater Bay Area Cultural Community at Sun Yat sen University. She was a member of the National MTA Education Guidance Committee, a lecturer and doctoral supervisor at the University of Science and Technology of Macau and the City University of Macau, a member of the editorial board of renowned journals such as Tourism Journal and Geographic Science, a member of the first group of expert think tanks for the "Top Talent Program" in Qinghai Province and Guangdong Province, and a consultant for tourism experts in Shanxi Province and Xinjiang Autonomous Region. Hosted over ten scientific research projects, including two major bidding projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation, key artistic projects funded by the National Social Science Foundation, and research projects funded by the National Self-Science Foundation and the Social Science Foundation. Published over 200 articles in major national and international journals such as Chinese Social Sciences. Prof. SUN has published five works, four of which were awarded the first prize for outstanding achievements by the National Tourism Administration and the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, as well as the "Baosteel Excellent Teacher Award".