Science and Technology Consulting Services | A New Project Introduced by Professor HUA Zhongsheng and His Team

Passing Comprehensive Performance Evaluation at High Standards after 3 Years of Overcoming Difficulties

At the end of 2022, an expert review meeting for the comprehensive performance evaluation of a national key R&D project was held by the High-tech Research and Development Center of the Ministry of Science and Technology of the People’s Republic of China. The project was led by Professor HUA Zhongsheng.

During the meeting, Professor HUA presented the project report and demonstrated the application of the project achievements. After a brief inquiry followed by some discussions, the expert group unanimously agreed that the project had met all the objectives and tasks set in the project proposal within the stipulated timeline and with high quality. The project was found to have achieved distinct comprehensive performance and outstanding results. Thus, the expert group passed the comprehensive performance evaluation for the project.

HUA Zhongsheng  |  华中生

School of Management, Zhejiang University


Academic Background:  HUA Zhongsheng is a Professor at the School of Management of Zhejiang University, a Qiushi Chair Professor of Zhejiang University, a Changjiang Sochlars Distinguished Professor of the Chinese Ministry of Education. He is the Vice Director of the Research Center of E-Service Technology for the Modern Service Industry at Zhejiang Province, the Director of Research Center of Service Sciences of Zhejiang University. Prof. HUA takes the positions as a counselor of Zhejiang Provincial Peoples Government, a member of the Zhejiang Provincial Political Consultative Conference, a vice President of the Society of Management Science and Engineering of China, a standing board member of the Chinese Society of OPM and the Operations Research Society of China, a member of the expert committee of the China Service-Oriented Manufacturing Alliance.

You can learn more about Prof. HUA Zhongsheng’s academic background  here 

Professor HUA Zhongsheng (Left) Hired as A Strategic Consultant of ZBJ.COM - Bajie Technology Services Co. Ltd.

The "R&D and Application Demonstration of Science and Technology Consulting Service Platform Based on Model Innovation" is a key special project within the "R&D and Application Demonstration of Common Key Technologies of the Modern Service Industry" category of the national key R&D plan.

The project had an implementation cycle of July 2019 to June 2022 and was supported by Zhubajie Co. Ltd., with participation from several other institutions, including Zhejiang University, Chongqing University, Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, Beijing Yuren Technology Services Co., Ltd., Jiangsu Hi-tech Entrepreneurship Service Center, Bajie Technology Services Co., Ltd., Chongqing Zhubajie Intellectual Property Services Co., Ltd., China Consulting Association, Chongqing VIP Information Co., Ltd., Beijing Iwintall Inc. and Jiangsu Bote New Material Technology Co., Ltd.

The project consists of five main topics, one of which is "Research on the Open Global Science and Technology Consulting Service Mode Based on the Internet." This specific topic was led by Professor HUANG Liqiang from ZJUSOM, and the research was carried out with the joint participation of Researcher BAO Lina and Postdoctoral Researcher JI Ting, both from ZJUSOM.

Project Kick-off Meeting Site of "R&D and Application Demonstration of Science and Technology Consulting Service Platform Based on Model Innovation"

Achievements of this Project will Provide High-quality and Efficient Services for Scientific and Technological Innovation of Enterprises

Science and technology consulting services are an important part of the professional science and technology services industry, which includes areas such as science and technology strategic research, information service, and evaluation. With its high level of professionalism, personalized services, and low transaction frequency, it plays a crucial role in supporting China’s innovation-driven development strategy.

However, the industry currently faces several prominent problems and bottlenecks, including decentralized consulting service resources, insufficient enterprise service demand, weak integration task capability, and low service efficiency. To address these issues, Professor HUA Zhongsheng and his team have proposed an integrated service mode that is oriented towards the demand side, service side, and online-offline integration.

By analyzing the underlying causes of these problems and designing a profit-making mechanism based on opening promotion and platform multi-agent cooperation, the team has created a series of integrated service solutions that can adapt to the complex task of science and technology consulting services across various scenarios, industries, and boundaries. This has resulted in the development of a "One-stop Full-scope Full-domain Service Mode" that offers comprehensive services across all domains, providing effective solutions for the industry’s current challenges and paving the way for future innovation and growth.

Project Achievement Application Demonstration Kick-off Site

The project has achieved several milestones, including developing key technologies and constructing a science and technology consulting service platform. Key technologies developed include the automatic processing of science and technology consulting knowledge, demand exploration, intelligent matching of supply and demand, and service provider capability and credit evaluation. These technologies have enabled the construction of a crowd-sourcing and integrated mode platform for science and technology consulting services. The platform has also developed a resource database of experts, knowledge, methods, and cases, and intelligent service tools to promote resource utilization.

The project has also demonstrated the application of its achievements in science and technology consulting services for small and medium-sized technology-based enterprises. The project has demonstrated its capabilities in areas such as electronic information, new materials, national high-tech zones, science and technology business incubators, and characteristic industrial bases. Through the demonstration of these applications, the project has formed a series of typical service cases.

Achievement Application Platform (click "read the original article" at lower left to review)

Screenshot on Related Data of Project Achievement Application Platform

The project led by Professor HUA Zhongsheng successfully passed the performance evaluation after overcoming difficulties for three years. The industry-university-research consortium, composed of multiple units, collaborated to meet the demands of national strategy and economic development. It is a significant achievement for the team and the consortium.

Moving forward, Professor HUA Zhongsheng’s team will promote the project’s achievements by serving technology-based enterprises, strategic emerging industries, and high-tech parks and zones. The team will deepen cooperation, conduct R&D tackling, and focus on "Four Orientations" to solve practical issues in national strategic fields. The goal is to make significant contributions to the high-quality and ecological development of China’s new economy.

- We wish Prof. HUA Zhongsheng best of luck with his research and are looking forward to many technology enterprises benefiting from implementing this new tool!

- You can read the original article in Chinese  here